Creating and Keeping Affordable Housing
Housing challenges and disparities greatly impact our communities of color. I propose expanding housing density and affordable housing through incentive programs and multi-family developments.
We need to identify vacant homes and lots for homeownership throughout Saint Paul. I will promote the use of city and other resources to help residents improve their homes and ensure a range of policies and investment options that support housing opportunities for everyone.
This should include accessory dwelling units, community land trust, and cooperative housing models. We also need to leverage Housing Trust Funds and other funding sources to create equitable solutions that prevent the displacement of low-income households, people of color, seniors, people with disabilities, and other marginalized communities.
Creating Safe Neighborhoods
Advancing public safety and strengthening the relationship between law enforcement and community members must be our primary goal.
Transparent, community-centered policing that engages residents will encourage officers to develop positive relationships with the community to reduce crime. We also need to fully utilize city resources like parks, recreation centers, and libraries as safe spaces, and use strategies such as the arts to engage youth and families.
And we must ensure that justice-involved individuals have a fair opportunity to pursue education and attain employment and housing.
“We are the solutions we seek to
building a better community.”
Increasing Economic Development & Inclusion
I will be deeply engaged in the revitalization efforts along the Payne, Arcade, and White Bear Avenue corridors, including identifying and attracting businesses that reflect our residents’ needs and interests.
By supporting small local businesses and people of color owned-businesses, I will promote diverse sectors with a focus on a variety of ownership options such as worker cooperatives. We need to increase the capacity of local businesses to create wealth in the community and generate job opportunities for residents.
Community Leader
“Terri is kind, a good listener, and fiercely committed to improving people’s lives. She will use her deep roots in our community and strong relationships with local, state and federal leaders to build powerful coalitions to support progressive policies. I’m proud to support my friend, Terri Thao for Saint Paul City Council.”
~ Kaohly Her, State Representative 64A
Community Economic Development
I want the East Side to be a national example where development does not displace people. We need to ensure quality and affordable housing, support small businesses and make responsible investments, and develop a transportation system that will connect East Siders to other regions. Specific policies include:
Support Commercial Corridors and Neighborhood Nodes
Support revitalization efforts along Payne, Arcade, and White Bear Avenue commercial corridors. Continue to identify and attract businesses that reflect residents needs and interests.
Create Community Wealth
Support small local businesses and people of color owned-businesses development across diverse sectors with a focus on different ownership options such as worker cooperatives. Increasing the capacity of these local businesses creates wealth in the community by generating job opportunities for residents.
Support Redevelopment of the Hillcrest Golf Course and Smaller Empty Lots
Ensure community engagement on the process for and outcomes of redevelopment of the Hillcrest Golf Course. Update inventory of empty lots and explore housing and community redevelopment opportunities of these lots.
Leverage Public Money
Advocate for funds and equitable contracting and procurement policies to make it easier for small and people of color-owned businesses to have access to flexible lending options, mentorships, alternative business models, and training and technical assistance programs.
Great City Services
The East Side has always been a great neighborhood for families and businesses. Our strength is in the diversity of our residents. We have many physical assets such as parks, recreation centers, libraries, historic buildings, bike paths, and sidewalks that I will fight to improve.
I will continue to advocate for projects and connections between residents, open spaces, and businesses. I will leverage joint use arrangements to advance health equity and build healthy communities. This will allow us to open new initiatives for safe spaces for youth leadership and art programs, community gardens, farmers markets, and enrichment programs for adults and children.
I will work to ensure all neighborhoods have access to healthy and affordable food, safe and high-quality parks and recreational centers, clinics, clean air and water, walking and biking trails, and sustainable green spaces.
Community Engagement
When we are engaged, we come up with new ideas, hopes and dreams. We can make effective changes if we create safe spaces where people have the opportunity to participate and collaborate in the decision-making processes. Policies and strategies for this work include using the arts as a medium for engagement and storytelling in the community.
Education and Financial Well Being
Continue investment in preexisting youth employment programs like Right Track to help provide these youth with a valuable workforce experience that allows them to gain appropriate financial literacy tools, skills, networks and support necessary for a stable and successful future. Support financial empowerment centers that are helping residents access resources and build savings, invest in their future, and avoid costly debt.
Great neighborhoods
The East Side has always been a great neighborhood for families and businesses. Our strength is in the diversity of our residents. We also have many physical assets such as parks, recreation centers, libraries, historic buildings and sites, bike paths, and sidewalks. I will continue to advocate for projects and connections between residents, open spaces and businesses. Policies include:
Leverage joint use arrangements by engaging with diverse local agencies to advance health equity and build healthy communities. This strategy allows us to open new initiatives that are safe and suitable spaces for youth leadership and art programs, community gardens, farmers markets, and enrichment programs for adults and children.
Ensure all neighborhoods have access to healthy and affordable food, safe and high-quality parks and recreational centers, clinics, clean air and water, bike and walk trails, and sustainable green spaces-regardless of race or income.